List of books and resources used during Module 4:
Susan Owens. (2020) Spirit Of Place, Artists, Writers and the British Landscape. London: Thames & Hudson.
Perry, G and Wood, P. (2004) Themes in Contemporary Art. London and New Haven: Yale university Press.
Elwes, C. (2015) Installation and the Moving Image. New York: Columbia University Press.
Patricia Leavy. (2020) Method Meets Art: Arts Based Research Practice, 3rd Edition. New York: The Guildford Press. Chapter 4, Music as Method.
Michael Harner. (1990)  The Way of the Shaman. USA: Harper and Rowe, paperback edition.
Ian Siddons Heginworth. (2nd Edition, 2008) Environmental Arts Therapy and the Tree of Life. UK: Spirit's rest Books.
Obrist, Hans Ulrich, Stasinopoulos, Kostas (eds.). (2021)  ‘140 Artists’ Ideas for Planet Earth’. London: Penguin Random House UK, London: Serpentine Galleries.
Huntsman, P. (2016) Thinking About Art. A Thematic Guide to Art History. West Sussex: Association of At Historians.
Zolberg, V. Cherbo, J. M.(1997) Outsider Art: Contesting Boundaries in Contemporary Culture. Cambridge Cultural Social Studies.

 Artists who's work has provided particular inspiration during my residency at ACA:
Alan Smith, ACA 
Helen Ratcliffe, ACA
Bill Viola: 'The Cloud of Unknowing'
Pat Naldi
Gustav Metzger: 'Remember Nature'
Joseph Bueys
Miriam Jonas
Roger Hiorns
Bridget Kennedy: 
Carol Knight: 'Follow Your Inner Vision'
Tine Bech
Jo Joelson 
Pat McCabe
Louise Beer
Tetsumi Kudo

Huge gratitude to the above for guidance, inspiration and resonance!

With thank to local artist and historian Bridget Kennedy for discussions around the local history and also developing practice in performance and spoken word.

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